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Kiki, Founder & Director of Inkerman - Juggling the Work Life Balance for Women

At Inkerman we pride ourselves on supporting our employees and encouraging them to invest time in their lives outside of work. We decided to speak to our Founder & Director, Kiki, and ask her how she manages to juggle her work-life balance, even in the run up to Christmas.

How do you manage to juggle a successful work-life balance? Is it really possible?

“Yes, definitely. It might seem impossible, but if you stay focused, take time for everyone and yourself and most importantly deep breathe you really can have it all! I have three kids, a dog, two horses, a husband and a company to run! Of course it is pretty tough sometimes, trying to ace the career and family, but staying focused and setting yourself goals will really see you accomplish more than you might first expect. Yes some weeks my kids have to put up with a frazzled mother, as I find myself thinking about the next product launch over their English Lit GCSE poems, but I will always take the time to step back from work. Setting time aside to spend quality moments with my family is essential for me to re-energise, a happy mind at home creates success in the business!”

Is there such a thing as a ‘normal’ day?

“Daily life is full of challenges for everyone but in my world you never know what’s going to be thrown at you each day - so you are permanently spinning plates to keep everything moving and everyone happy! Whether it’s setting next year’s budgets, heading up a marketing meeting, designing and sourcing new product, taking the dog to the vet, visiting universities or supporting the youngest with his D of E, cobbling together the next meal or dealing with a unexpected issue like the car blowing up, life goes on! So, I suppose no! In my world there isn’t a ‘normal’ day, each day brings new challenges both at home and at work. But, overcoming those obstacles and continuing to move forward is the most rewarding accomplishment. Never be afraid to give yourself a pat on the back or be proud of your achievements however big or small.”

How do you find Inkerman supports you with your life outside of work?

“With ten employees and seventeen children between us, we all understand there are important commitments outside of work. What I find the most helpful when it comes to my children and family are the flexible working hours Inkerman offers. Allowing everyone to manage their own times means that parents can attend school events or appointments, and respond to the inevitable school call to collect your ill child - the call we all dread! School holidays have to be carefully managed to make sure orders go out on time and customers are looked after to our usual high standards. But, we are a team here at Inkerman and we work together to support each other and ensure we can all benefit from a healthy work-life balance.”

How do you get ready for the busy Christmas period?

“Prepare and organise, my key words of advice for any individual juggling a family and work life! Getting ahead and buying your gifts early eliminates that Christmas Eve panic, with no need to head to the dreaded shops packed full of last-minute buyers. Being a staunch supporter of up and coming British designers and brands, I’m getting ahead for Christmas and will be buying my gifts from Butler Stewart (Baker Boy Caps), Tom Lane (Wellie Socks & throws), Bennett Winch (the Suit Carrier Holdall), The Oxford Brush Company (decanter brush and boot pull) and Inkerman of course, for its new navy notebooks with silver initials, our new coloured glass bowls and my favourite coupe Champagne Glasses. If I won the lottery I’d ask Cheshire Woodworking to make me the most beautiful customised wooden drinks box for the boot of my car. Christmas is a time to enjoy the company of family and relax at home. So work hard and get organised enough in advance so you can take the time to do just that!”



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